Located at Allandale Street bordering Jamaica Plain and West Roxbury, this proposed project seeks to provide a new Net Zero neighborhood with 16 new Net Zero contemporary Townhomes plus 4 new Multi-family units. The property is located on a heavily wooded site bordering the boundary of Jamaica Plain at the North (front) of the site and Allandale Woods at the South (back) of the site.

The Project aims to be a national model for sustainability by achieving multiple ambitious goals: Net-Zero energy usage, LEED platinum design, and fortified home construction ensuring maximum climate change resilience. The proposed development takes a highly sensitive approach to mid-density residential construction in an area of the city in great need of additional housing.

The new buildings are designed as a contemporary interpretation of the surrounding vernacular architecture strategically utilizing the gable roof and sloped profiles. All roof slopes facing due south will accommodate a solar photovoltaic panel array at each unit, while the additional varied roof angles will provide for more asymmetrical and organic roof lines and profiles for this steeply sloped wooded site.

Merge Architects Inc.
332 Congress St. Floor 6
Boston MA 02210


We are driven by an unrelenting curiosity, optimism, and urgency to change our built environment for the better.

Merge Architects

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